
Summertime Shenanigans

So, I decided to change my official weigh-in day to Monday. I usually don't work Mondays and I have been consistently forgetting to weigh in on Wednesdays so this all works in everyone's favor.

Current weight: 189.6
Loss: 2.2 pounds
Total weight loss: 16.1 pounds!!!!

I finally broke the 15 pound hump after being on a plateau for like three weeks! I think being broke and portioning my food accordingly helped a lot so thanks job for giving me approximately no money! You helped out. I'm also finally out of the 190s! I know my weight will probably jump around here for a while before being out of them for good, but it's a light at the end of the tunnel!


I've been shooting more and it's been making my heart super happy. I've been otherwise anxious, but I've booked two weddings one for the end of August and one for next year, so it's been a boost of confidence, absolutely.

and one more. I'm going to need to start my blog for photos back up. I miss it. 

Here's to hoping i made good food decisions this week!!

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