
Holy Workout Batman!

Okay, first of all I moved my blog from Wordpress to here because of imaginary peer pressure in my head. So pretend like I did an introduction post and blah blah blah.

First off, it's Wednesday so I did weigh in and I'll try to glance past the fact that in the past three weeks I've actually gained 4 pounds and I'm sitting pretty at 205 right now. Just when I was almost successfully out of the 200 club, I lost my dog, I went out of town where no one cooked and I had two margarita pitchers to myself, & I did not set foot on a treadmill.

Like, look at this

Basically, I made a shit ton of poor choices and I'm kicking myself for it now. At least my plate was 95% broccoli?

So this morning, I took the last can of chicken soup (2 points I believe? I don't have my phone near me.) and for lunch I had some cheese fries, but then I worked my ASS off at Title Boxing Club. Oh. My. Goodness.

I'm trying to decide whether or not it's something I want to keep doing. My boyfriend is 110% set on it, but it's another $50 a month and when I'm looking at finances, I don't know if it's a good choice. I can just ramp up on exercising at home and I'm still paying for a Planet Fitness membership that I sometimes use.

Regardless, now that I'm home I've switched gears and even though Im probably going to bed sweaty, I'm about to tear into some pasta with some olive oil and parmesan!

Next week, I'm going to have a better result. Bet your bottom dollar.


  1. You can do it!!! Just get back on track and take it one day at a time. You're allowed to have a cheat week, and I think you deserved one after everything that happened. Love you, you beautiful lady!

  2. Do it for you! Have a motivation that will keep you focus!
