
Anxiety's a bitch!

No need to get down into the 5 million roots of my deep... rooted anxiety. You just need to know that I have it. And it sucks. & I just realized my last refill for my Xanax should have been filled before December of last year.

So tonight after deciding to give zero amount of cares about the silence that has permeated my apartment, I went to the gym. After being yelled at at work, getting a hysterical phone call from my mother, realizing my house was foodless for the fourth day in a row, I was done. 

There was also a half assed news update (which should be TOTALLY against some sort of policy somewhere) where they said that a local school district had been locked down due to a shooting. Just so happens it's where all three of my siblings attend. Now no one will answer their phones, I'm hysterical. It was just... a day.

Regardless the motivation! I went!

I decided to get my ass up, I needed to start some sort of routine. So, I started back up my Couch to 5k. It's what got me in gear a year ago when I lost that crucial first 15 pounds, it's what I'll use now. Accompanied by some weights and the occasional bout of Insanity/Jillian Michaels.

So, today I ran 2.02 miles in 35:00. Super slow, but considering how I was doing the run/walk spree with a jog afterwards, I'm great. 

Leg Press: 100 pounds 3 sets of 12
Hip Abduction: 50 pounds 3 sets of 12
Hip Adduction: 80 pounds 3 sets of 12

And after that I still didn't really want to go home so I busted out another quick mile on the elliptical.

And I filed my taxes and I got in my boyfriend's second Valentine's Day present today.

Game of Thrones rings! I bought them in this etsy shop and I am so happy with the outcome. They're generally flexible so you can adapt them to your size even if you're off by a bit.

&  In case this is totally foreign to you, there's these two precious pet names for this man named Drogo and his Khaleesi. They call each other "my sun and stars" and "moon of my life". 

Here's to hoping for a grocery store trip tomorrow!

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