
Dogs have belly buttons? (/Belated Weigh in Wednesday)

I lost two pounds as of Wednesday I just was super busy and forgot to post! So!

Current Weight:

Which makes for a total weight loss of 2 pounds. (This is from Wednesday, I haven't looked to weigh myself even though it's killing me). I will admit this week I've been doing awful because my schedule has made it that my boyfriend is home whenever I am and I hate hate hate working out with him in the house but I also refuse to go to the gym at that time because it's packed.

Guess there's going to always be some residual shyness and reluctance. I had a job interview Wednesday and if I get it I get a regular work day (8-5!) and it gives me the ability to try to obtain my masters degree in Social Work!

Do you know that I would be the happiest little duck?


Any way, while rubbing my dog's belly today I realized that dogs have belly buttons which sounds totally ignorant on my part because well... mammals but I guess I just never thought about it. I tried so hard to tell my boyfriend he was wrong, but alas it was me.

I also got to finally finish editing the pictures of the shelter animals! I had a partial snow day today which helped me sort of figure out where my website is going? But not really. I feel like I'm half-assing a lot because I'm scared that if my work life stays the same, I'll never be able to seriously shoot again. I miss weddings, I miss seniors, I miss playing with babies. It sucks missing out on your passion because you need a paycheck. I kind of hate it.

I just need things to fall a little bit more neatly into place. Especially considering I work 6 11 hour days this week. I'm already exhausted and this isn't going to help. 

I'm trying not to whine and throw around "it's not fair"s but it's awful hard right now. Especially seeing my boyfriend come home after his 8 hour day and his two days off and get to do whatever he wants with no real consequences, but I have to stay late at work even on my 11 hour days and get screamed at and talked down to all day.

There is no respect for women in any kind of technical field.

Especially where I live. It's exhausting to have to explain to so many people that I know what I'm talking about. If I could just kick out every sexist asshole that walked through the door.... We'd be out of customers. Yikes.


  1. Get it, girl! Also, J can go play in traffic if he judges you while you're working out. He can go play Pokémon in the other room.

  2. Dude seriously! I have a complex about Walter watching me exercise, too! I made a rule! Either he works out with me or he cannot be in the room! I hope you get your big girl job! Fingers crossed!!
